
Showing posts from December, 2019

5 star


1st semester reflection

1) Quality of work- every project we have done this year has interested me in its own way. Me personally am very new to digital design and photo shop so every project we do is an interesting experience for me. Doing each project has allowed me to practice using different or become better at using similar tools and formats. 2)Effort- Looking for a convenient solution vs challenging myself varies based on the project and the idea i have for the project. For the most part its always a challenge simply because i am new. i typically explore lots of variations of my project and plan more before i start. i dont avoid ideas that i deem difficult, those are the more interesting ones anyway. Looking at my peers work is always impressive and they always seem to know their way around design apps more than myself so i see the difference in our work. Looking at my own work even outside of a computer i never seem to be satisfied. 3)Participation- I am always on time to class, and although i am

first semester midterm exam


nursery rhyme
