letter to the past

 Dear past me

    The future is terrible. It is nothing like what your going through now and i feel no advice i can give will truly help you. You will kind of have to just experience and learn like i did. I i were to give advice it would be to set goals and stick tot them. Having a plan makes your life more organized and easier to live by. To succeed in school you will need to stay on task and prioritize everything.  Do the work, and then do more to actually learn.

My top designs would have to be the mutant me and the minimalism project. I feel these projects really let me explore more than other projects with edit tools and i started getting a better feel for digital design. To make the mutant me project it was a mix of a real life picture i took of myself and editing it by removing and adding layers to make a comical image of myself. I got to explore a good amount of tools making this, with the minimalism project i got to explore a lot of lighting and shadow techniques which were fun to work with along with beneficial. Looking at both of them i would definitely have spent more time on them.

When it comes to design the best advice i can currently give is to really explore what there is and make use of your time to efficiently make more projects, i still need to work on that myself if were being honest nevertheless it is a true statement which i will work on and hopefully you develop earlier.
Sincerely -You


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